Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Juice visit #2

Second visit for the Bayhill BHT-3021-01 trial.
Simple, they drew a smaller quantity of blood this time and checked my vitals. Then gave me the drug shot and fed me as I had to be fasting for today's blood samples.

My son Julien also participated in the "trialNet" study, which he can do once per year as a family member of a type 1 person. All they do is take a blood sample from him, and try to identify if something, any pattern may link my son's genetic predisposition to type 1...or not.
Julien had to sign for the first time. He gave me a fit for it as he didn't want to sign, wasn't comfortable doing it or didn't know how to do it. I told him to simply try with a big long J letter and put a D on its tail. He finally did after a few tears but was more interested and NO tears to get on with the blood draw...funny little guy...
I dropped him at day camp after that and went to work.
Feeling fine.

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